This is an example of a correctly named contest image.
The example begins with “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg
This is your personal N4C member number. You are assigned this number when you join the club. If you do not know your number, refer to your name in the club roster or contact N4C representative Nikki McDonald [email protected]
The second section of the example is “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg The “DP” in the example shows that you entered the image in the Pictorial category of the contest.
Digital Categories
- NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg
The example begins with “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg
This is your personal N4C member number. You are assigned this number when you join the club. If you do not know your number, refer to your name in the club roster or contact N4C representative Nikki McDonald [email protected]
The second section of the example is “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg The “DP” in the example shows that you entered the image in the Pictorial category of the contest.
Digital Categories
- DA = the Digital Altered Reality contest category
- DH = the Digital Homework contest category
- DJ = the Photojournalism contest category
- DN = the Digital Nature contest category
- DP = the Digital Pictorial contest category
- DT = the Digital Travel contest category
- The third section of the example is “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg The “Beautiful Sunset” is your image title. Spaces are only allowed within the title. Note: For Travel category, the name needs to include the state or nation where the picture was taken.
The fourth section of the example is “NE001,DP,Beautiful Sunset.jpg This is the file type –your computer will automatically add this when you name an image that is in .jpg file format.
When all the images are ready, prepare an email that includes your name and the month of the competition. Attach the images individually. The file sizes are small so you don’t need to compress them into a zip file. If you are using an Apple PC – please attach rather than embedding the images. - Send your OCC contest entries to [email protected] by the first day of the contest month.
Old Method: A link to the club's Google Drive account will be sent to the membership prior to our Show & Tell meeting. Place your photos in a folder and then click on the link and drag your folder to the Google Drive workspace. The deadline for photo submission is the Sunday prior to our meeting date.
Since most email servers limit the size of your attachments to 35mb, it is recommended that you limit your photos to 1MB or 2MB in size.
Since most email servers limit the size of your attachments to 35mb, it is recommended that you limit your photos to 1MB or 2MB in size.
(note: this section is still under review )
- Judging and critiquing for print competitions will be performed by all club members in attendance for
one of the print competitions, and by one outside judge at the other competition. - If a judge determines that an entry does not satisfy the category, they will give the entry a score and place a “DQ” next to the score. If two or more judges place a “DQ” beside their score, the entry will be removed from competition by the chairperson. The chairperson will notify the maker that the entry has been disqualified and the maker may enter the image in another competition at a later date.
- Print judging criteria will be determined by the print chairman at the time of competition.
- Note: the April competition with an outside judge and differs from our October “member judged” competition. (See handbook starting on page 8).
- Before you enter please read the Description of Contest Categories (below) to confirm eligibility. With the exception of Homework, our categories mirror the N4C categories. You can look at past entries at our OCC Smugmug site ( and winners of N4C at (
- File sizing, maximum 1920 pixels/side, and <= 750 KB overall file size
- sRGB color space
- Entry Deadline: Last day of the month.
- Number of Entries: 2 per category with a maximum of 7 overall.
- Reveal Night: 2nd meeting of the month (3rd Tuesday).
- All entries must be the work of the entering photographer.
- If you have questions, contact Steve Walling at [email protected]
Sandhill Crane Shoot
Ten members of our club traveled to Rowes Sanctuary near Gibbon, Ne. to view and photograph the yearly spectacular of the Sandhill Crane migration. Some 600,000 cranes pass through this area each year. It is truly a site to behold.
OPPD Power Drive
It was a cold and windy day....... No this is not the start of a dime novel. It was a fun day for a bunch of teenagers to show there stuff with the electric cars they built. Each car was powered by a battery and built by them with the supervision of there adult crews. They all had to meet strict safety and mechanical guidelines and had to compete in various timed events. And yes it was a cold and windy day, but the shooters had fun doing it. Check out a sampling of photos below.
Sand in the City Charity Event
This event gave us a chance to do a little payback to the community. It is an annual charity event for the Nebraska Children's Home Society Foundation. This year their photographer could not make the event so they turned to us for help in shooting it. Naturally we jumped at the chance. Shooting pictures and helping out is what we do (not to mention it was a whole lot of fun). Those contributing to the effort were: Jeff Bane, George Sinos, Mel and Sharron Mann, Sue Baxter and Gary Prill.
Allwine Prairie Photo Walk
Omaha Camera Club Picnic 2010
These pictures were provided by Mel Mann. These are scanned images from Kodak Gold 200 film, OM-1, 50mm lens.
2012 - 2013 Winners Video
Ten members of our club traveled to Rowes Sanctuary near Gibbon, Ne. to view and photograph the yearly spectacular of the Sandhill Crane migration. Some 600,000 cranes pass through this area each year. It is truly a site to behold.
OPPD Power Drive
It was a cold and windy day....... No this is not the start of a dime novel. It was a fun day for a bunch of teenagers to show there stuff with the electric cars they built. Each car was powered by a battery and built by them with the supervision of there adult crews. They all had to meet strict safety and mechanical guidelines and had to compete in various timed events. And yes it was a cold and windy day, but the shooters had fun doing it. Check out a sampling of photos below.
Sand in the City Charity Event
This event gave us a chance to do a little payback to the community. It is an annual charity event for the Nebraska Children's Home Society Foundation. This year their photographer could not make the event so they turned to us for help in shooting it. Naturally we jumped at the chance. Shooting pictures and helping out is what we do (not to mention it was a whole lot of fun). Those contributing to the effort were: Jeff Bane, George Sinos, Mel and Sharron Mann, Sue Baxter and Gary Prill.
Allwine Prairie Photo Walk
Omaha Camera Club Picnic 2010
These pictures were provided by Mel Mann. These are scanned images from Kodak Gold 200 film, OM-1, 50mm lens.
2012 - 2013 Winners Video